Perform full scale simulations of your EP equipped CubeSats inside of vacuum test facilities to explore what to expect in terms of backflux, and how it scales towards orbital conditions.

Computational test analysis support leading to more insights

During experimental tests, it is difficult to directly analyse the plasma. Using VSTRAP to simulate the test setup, allows to validate directly and gain so far inaccessible insights of experiments directly.
What Test Lab X can do for our test campaign:

Include VSTRAP in your analysis service to increase competitivity.

Effects from the facility testing environment pose a big unknown effect on the behaviour of the thruster in space. With VSTRAP you can simulate the behaviour of the thruster in the tank, validate the simulation and then rerun the setup with changed boundary conditions, eliminating the effects from the tanks which allows your customer to give more confidence in the applicability of the results in a real operating environment.

Explore new research directions

VSTRAP allows to not only simulate electric propulsion devices but plasma and plasma wall interactions in general. This allows to explore a newer field where simulations and experiments together generate more accurate and tailored results, advancing the capabilities of your lab.

See other use cases

Our product reduces your initial development stages early on, allowing you to reach market faster.
Speed-up your your research proposal content generation by using VSTRAP generated simulation results with respective credibility proof. This automatically increases your success chances. This also applies to your scientific publications.
Create enriched and trusted plume data to bring added value for your customers, and competitivity to the market. Or identify faster than your competitors new designs and design improvements to reach new performance requirements.
Having VSTRAP in your facility portfolio allows you to offer acceleration services for start-up EP space companies. Creating a more attractive package compared to other incubators for those companies.
Test research ideas early in the process to evaluate their quality. Support your research propositions by backing them with VSTRAP’s confidence reports.
Faster evaluate VSTRAP-supported research proposals